IDSECCONF 2013 Paper and Presentations

                 Kamis, 27 Juni 2013
[Invited Speaker]

  1. AKBP Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar Msc., CHFI, CEI - "IT Forensic & Cybercrime" [paper] [presentation]
  2. Sheran Gunasekera - "Defeating Spyware & Forensic Acquisition on BlackBerry Handhelds"  [paper] [presentation]


  1. Rizki Wicaksono - "Hollywood Style cracking" pada Block Cipher CBC: Analisis dan Pencegahan. [paper] [presentation]
  2. Dedi Dwianto - "Cybercrime Investigation: Tracking a bad guy through GSM Network  [paper] [presentation]
  3. Wahyu Indah Rahmawati, Sandromedo Christa - "Implementasi Dual Signature sebagai solusi electronic cash (e-cash)"  [paper] [presentation]
  4. Faizal Achmad - "Anti Forensic: Implementation on USB Flashdisk"  [paper] [presentation]
  5. Rama Tri Nanda - "Turning TP-Link MR3020 into Automate Wireless Attacker"  [paper] [presentation]
  6. Eko Yon Handri - "Ancaman Pemalsuan Sertifikat Digital Pada Implementasi Infrastruktur Kunci Publik di Indonesia" [paper] [presentation]
  7. Sandromedo Christa Nugroho -"Ruft_2 Cybertooth VOIP: Aplikasi Pengamanan Komunikasi Suara Era Digital Pada OS Android"  [paper] [presentation]
  8. Gcsf - "MPLS: Hacking & Security Myth of The BEast In Core Telecomunication Network"  [paper] [presentation]
  9. Deny Binsar, Kristian Ibrahim - "Developing e-Document repository system dengan menerapkan digital signature"  [paper] [presentation]
  10. Kriptonite - "Online Hacking contest, CTF idsecconf 2013 Walktrough" [paper] [presentation]

  • IDSECCONF 2013 Paper and Presentations
  • Kamis, 27 Juni 2013